Magic Edit for all future notes
in progress
Crimson Centipede
Could you please create the ability, accessible via either Magic Edit or Note Preferences, to set parameters for all notes (for all clients)? I want my notes to exclude the names of people who aren't my client, instead substituting placeholders inferred from context ("partner, mom, coworker," etc), and to have Blueprint auto-populate the Mini Mental Status Eval section with the relevant info (or defaults if that can't be inferred by the AI). It would be such a big selling point for me to keep using Blueprint if I could type that in once - maybe with language like "...and please apply that to all future progress notes for all clients" - and have it fully automated for me from then on.
Eric Troyer
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Magic Edit to be permanent and customizable to my practice
Zinc grey Kangaroo
I'm totally there with these comments on Magic Edits. There should be a permanent way of formatting notes across my practice, in all sessions. For instance, Interventions are not the Objective, but Interventions. Interventions should not start with "During session, therapist..." It's obvious that the therapist intervened during the session, when else? And it's the therapist speaking in the Interventions section, who else? No need to fluff every sentence with "therapist". We know. I have limited space in my EHR for interventions, so I need to be concise and relevant. I want client response to interventions in the Subjective session, not the Interventions.
Eric Troyer
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Magic Edit for preferences for all notes
Raspberry Mastodon
It would be helpful if I could use Magic Edit for my overall preferences. For example, I just changed a note from "six to seven months" to "6-7 months". This is a simple example, but I'm sure there are others that would be repetitive to fix each time.
Eric Troyer
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I would really like to see a magic edit option for ALL clients and ALL notes so I can make one universal change rather then each individual client or note.....
Good Coral
Eric Troyer
Merged in a post:
Magic Edit
Glad Koala
Allow Magic editing options to apply to all notes.
Eric Troyer
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Magic Edit memory or standards
Yacht club Bovid
allow for the magic edit response examples to be set by the clinician and standardized so a cut and paste and remove isnt needed for every magic edit.
Eric Troyer
in progress
Eric Troyer
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Preset Magic Edit Request
Dependent Salmon
Have a preset magic edit request so you don't need to repeat the same magic edits for each notation.
Eric Troyer
Eric Troyer
Merged in a post:
Magic Edit Future Sessions
Functional Caterpillar
Being able to make an edit (such as keep SOAP note under 10 sentences) and apply to future sessions
Eric Troyer
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Magic edit rules for ALL NOTES
Olympic Shrew
this has been recommended before. please create this function.
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