Customizable Note Templates
in progress
Julep green Jellyfish
It would be awesome if the clinician were able to customize note templates to suit the preferences of the clinician and/or the clinician's EHR system. For example, I would like to add SNAP Assessments to each of my intake notes without having to prompt the system to recreate the intake note each time. Overall the system is wonderful and has been a life changer for me! Thanks for you consideration and for all of the hard work dedicated to making my job a lot easier!
Enjoy your weekend :-)
Damask Bass
Hope this rolls out soon. Clinical social worker in a pediatric medical setting where our progress notes don’t follow a standard SOAP or DAP.
Eric Troyer
Merged in a post:
Standard Magic Edit Template for Practices
Well Catshark
I'm wondering if a standard magic edit feature could be added so that a practice could give specific directions for the AI that they would like each note to have. Thanks
Chris Cutter, MSW
in progress
A quick update that we have begun work on this and greatly appreciate everyone's context and feedback!
Happy Partridge
This would be fantastic! Where it allows you to put in prompts or a checkbox with all the different features you want Ai to be aware of.
Happy Partridge
I completely agree. There are multiple worksheets that I would like to merge together bc they are too brief or there are only certain sections that are beneficial. When I do searches it says that we are capable of customizing the forms but I can't seem to find directions anywhere. This would elevate the experience for not only me as the clinician but for the client as well. It feels less cookie cutter. Thanks!
Chris Cutter, MSW
Merged in a post:
New template options
Confident Cobra
I wish we could be able to create our own template and have AI do it from it
Chris Cutter, MSW
Merged in a post:
Customizable formats
Moonstone blue Planarian
I wish there was a way for this to learn your preferred way to write notes and it to be recorded in the memory so that it would generate the same type of format for each note (progress report, intake, etc>)
Mauve Firefly
This was one of the reasons I almost went with another notetaking platform but I was informed this was "in the works". I sincerly hope it comes very very very soon!
Juicy Emu
I just posted similar and then saw this... yes, many other platforms have this and its so useful.
Standard Sloth
Yes, this!
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