Significant Gerbil
I love this! Thank you!!
Puce Lemming
Thanks will check it out
Chris Cutter, MSW
Thank you all for the requests for this! You can no generate a discharge summary for any note in the 'TX Plan & Discharge' menu.
Eric Troyer
Merged in a post:
Add a separate Discharge summary as this is required by insurance companies
Stuck Bobolink
Eric Troyer
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Discharge planning
Honeydew Reindeer
Please add criteria for discharge
Eric Troyer
Merged in a post:
Discharge Summary
Significant Gerbil
Summary of client's progress or not, start and end date, how they were discharged, diagnoses, and sessions attended
Eric Troyer
Merged in a post:
Discharge template
Wheat Cardinal
That would be great once the client is done with treatement
Chris Cutter, MSW
in progress
Discharge is actively in progress and you can expect an update from us soon!
Olive green Kite
AI generated discharge Summary Note is needed.
Significant Gerbil
I would love to have a discharge summary option as well! I would also include the number of sessions the client include, interventions used, and treatment modality. Thank you!
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